Education in America is in a sad state. That is especially so with higher education, colleges and universities.
Traditional education, at every turn, is being challenged, reduced, or eliminated and new educational subjects take hold. Places of higher education have become breeding grounds for radicals, revolutionary tactics, and rebellion against authority and the rule of law. Witness the takeovers and the tents, the camps, and the rabble rousers protesting, and especially exhibiting anti-Israel and anti-Semitic speech and conduct.
Ironically, many of these protestors are not even college students, but rather so many paid troublemakers, paid by individuals like George Soros, and entities run by him and his cronies. They stir up hatred. They make unbelievable demands upon the administration, alumni groups, and faculty, and among other things, they demand that the universities sever all ties with the state of Israel and embrace the policy BDS, Boycott-Divest-and otherwise stop all relations with Israel and the Jews.
These rabble rousers are pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel and the Jews, calling for justice on the one hand for starving and displaced Palestinians without ever mentioning the killings of Hamas, the hostages taken and still held, and the barbaric conduct of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, and other Arab nations which hate Israel and the Jews.
Secular education has changed and may never be the same. In addition, there is now an assault by the Biden Administration on CHRISTIAN COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES.
Joe Biden, unbelievably our President, purports to be Christian and Catholic and sits back, says nothing, and of course does nothing as DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Secretary Miguel Cardona goes after these Christian schools. They, thank God, refuse to toe the line, walk the liberal walk, and refuse to endorse or support the gay agenda, the attack on the family, parenting, and especially marriage, and of course abortion, all of which the Biden Administration favors and which the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION supports.
Cardona and, unbelievably so, congressional representative Rosa DeLauro, Democrat (of course) from Connecticut are the attack dogs in the lead. Said they:
The allegations they make are that these universities “lied to students about the cost of education and their programs.” Of course, there is nothing specific, no facts involved, nothing really to refute except this horribly prejudiced, biased generalization, the suit being brought by the Federal Government against the great Christian Universities, Grand Canyon University and Liberty University, incidentally America’s two largest Christian institutes of higher education. I do suppose more will come but these so-called allegations are so minor, so frail, so fact-less and so obviously biased that they are almost laughable. But then again, so much of the conduct of our Federal Government under the Biden Administration is just that. I do wonder how any Jew, true Jew, or any Christian, real Christian, could ever vote for Biden or the democratic party that supports him and these absolutely absurd, prejudiced, anti-American views and policies.
What a world.
Grand Canyon University is the largest Christian university in America and a good one. President Brian Mueller describes these allegations, and the lawsuit which followed including the fine, as “ridiculous.” Not stopping there, Cardona and the DOE went after Liberty University and accused them, in a $37 million dollar fine, of “over alleged under-reporting of crimes.” Unbelievable. Of course, there were no facts, nothing specific, but only these biased, general allegations, really nothing more than anti-Christian at the core.
Said President Brian Mueller:
“It’s interesting, is it not, that the two largest Christian universities in the country, ours and Liberty University, are both being fined almost the identical amount at the identical time.” Now, said Mueller:
Again, hear the words of Cardona and representative DeLauro:
Cardona and his ilk want not only to fine these great Christian universities, but to actually close them:
There really can be nothing more anti-Christian than such statements and such actions by this liberal, woke, radical, Joe Biden government and administration. Again, how can any true Christian ever vote for Biden or anyone who supports the policies he does?
Can you?
Said Jon Schweppe, a conservative spokesperson: “The Federal government’s education agenda is punishing schools that do not conform to their progressive ideology. It is time we took a stand against this egregious abuse of power.”
Not so, Mr. Schweppe. It is far past time we the Christian people took a stand against this anti-Christian bias, this woke ideological bias, and got rid of them, the evil doers. It is time we voted them out of office, them and the one who appointed them, namely Joe Biden.
GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY (GTU) has as its motto that its university is:
It stands apart from universities across the country that are facing declining enrollment or unenrollment and the students who wish to attend GCU are only increasing. The decline in enrollment is especially severe at universities which are indoctrinating students with radical politics. They are also failing to defend the American Constitution and rule of law and especially the First Amendment with regard to freedom of religion and freedom of speech among others.
The Goldwater Institute (GI), a conservative group, wrote the following:
“So why then are the Feds targeting GCU, a popular university that seems to be doing everything right? That’s exactly what we’re going to find out.”
President Mueller said that no matter what the Federal Government does, “it has had zero impact on anything that we’re (GCU) doing.”
Mueller went on to say:
“The enrollments are just continuing to grow. The morale (of our students) is very high in terms of our faculty and staff. The campus is extremely vibrant. The students absolutely love this place. They’re extremely loyal to it and so we just keep marching through it.”
Amen, Christian brothers in education, march on, fight on, stand up as soldiers of the cross, and of Christian education, and stand for the excellence in education which GCU has championed all these years. Never compromise and remember the words of Winston Churchill:
So, GCU President Brian Mueller asks for prayer. Pray for them and the great Liberty University. But do more. Perhaps you can give. You can surely write your Congress person and make sure they know about this biased, grossly unfair attack on these Christian universities and Christianity generally, and ask them to intervene. By the way, don’t bother writing to Biden and Company, for that is a letter which is a waste of time and will never be read.
The attack on Liberty University and Grand Canyon University is just typical of the anti-Christian attitude and activities which are permeating our society in America, and so much of the world at large. Yet another reason, my fellow Americans and my fellow Christians, for us to stand up, put on the armor of our Lord and our faith, and:
The battle is here in so many different ways and it is time, aggressively and consistently to respond, to make certain that evil men like George Soros and so many others who are determined to destroy America and Christianity with it, do not prevail. Christian education is absolutely essential today, especially with secular education declining and in such disarray, more so every day. I ask, along with President Brian Mueller, that you render your full support, encouragement, prayers, and even giving to GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY and as well LIBERTY UNIVERSITY. They stand for truth, for real Christianity, and they stand for real, solid, education in every other respect. In this world of ours, they are the best!